
Mr. Mark D. Hanes
Mr. Mark D. Hanes
Job title:
About me:
I am the current president of Iron Furnace Chapter TU #288. I am also the NW Regional Vice President on PA state council. I also happen to be a competitive fly fisherman on the national level. Yes you can be a conservation and be competitive.
Favorite trout is the brook trout. In the east they are a true diamond in the ruff.
Favorite quote:
"The best fisherman I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead they strive to make new and interesting mistakes and to remember what they learned from them." John Gierach "Fly Fishing the High Country"
My website:
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Other Interests:
Fly Tying
Fly Fishing
Group membership:
Veterans Service Partnership
Council Chair Forum
Pennsylvania - 9PA
Stream Ambassadors
Iron Furnace - 288
Women's Initiative Chair Forum